百宸荣誉 | 荣登2023 The Legal 500中国律所榜单289
发表时间:2022-11-30 14:57 日前,百宸荣登国际权威法律评级机构《法律500强》(The Legal 500)2023年度亚太地区中国律所榜单。百宸获此殊荣,是多年在该业务领域深耕的成果,也有赖于客户的肯定与支持。我们将不懈努力,精益求精地为客户提供优质专业的法律服务。 Recently, PacGate Law Grouphas been listed on The Legal 500 Asia Pacific China Law Firms 2023. This a ward is not only the result of many years of deep work in the field of legal service, but also depends on the recognition and support of our customers. We will makeunremitting efforts to provide clients with more high-quality professionallegal services. The Legal 500是总部位于英国的知名法律评级机构,每年对全球150多个法域的律所和律师进行评选和推荐,具有广泛影响。该榜单的评选依据主要来自于客户反馈、律所提交的申报材料、专业人士访谈以及研究团队的市场调研分析等。 The Legal 500 is a well-known legal rating agency headquartered inthe UK, which evaluates and recommends law firms and lawyers in more than 150jurisdictions around the world every year, with a wide range of influence. Theranking is based on clients feedback, law firm application filings, interviewwith professionals and market research analysis by research teams. |